
Li Qingkui Holds Talks with Laos’ Deputy Prime Minister Somdy Douangdy


        VIENTIANE, Laos - Mr. Li Qingqui, Board Chairman of China Southern Power Grid held private talks with Somdy Douangdy, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Laos here in the nation’s capital.
Offering a positive response to China’s “One Belt One Road Initiative” and in order to create a brighter future for China-Laos relations, they exchanged in-depth views on enhancing connectivity and exploring wider cooperation.
In his prepared remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Douangdy said  the government of Laos “was pleased at productive results achieved in the 19th CPC National Congress and President Xi Jinping’s visit to Laos played a significant role in deepening cooperation between the two countries. CSG and Électricité du Laos have cooperated on the 230kV Power Grid EPC Project in Northern Laos and the Nam Tha Ⅰ Hydropower Plant Project which received wide praises from both countries”. 
        Deputy Prime Minister Somdy lauded Mr. Li’s proposal of developing Laos’ energy resources and expressed thanks for CSG’s contributions to the economic and social development of Laos.
He added, “electric power is vital to economic and social development, so the government of Laos is dedicated to the sustainable development of electric power and higher voltage power grid connectivity with neighboring countries, including China. The government of Laos welcomes CSG’s engagement in energy exploration and power construction in Laos and would continue to support CSG’s development in Laos.” 
        Mr. Li noted that the 19th CPC National Congress concluded successfully with significant results, including Mr. Xi Jinping’s selection again as the General Secretary of the CPC and “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” was written into the Party Constitution and established as the guiding principle of the Party. 
        Mr. Li said the recent state visit paid by President Xi to Laos was “of great significance and would put China-Laos cooperation on fast track. China and Laos are important neighbors and CSG adheres to the idea of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in a positive response to the ‘One Belt One Road Initiative’ and carries out its beneficial cooperation with Laos in the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration”.

        He added that, “The 230kV Power Grid EPC Project in Northern Laos was put into operation 15 months ahead of schedule and more than 90% of construction on Nam Tha Ⅰ Hydropower Plant had been completed. Local people are satisfied with the Nam Tha Ⅰ Hydropower Plant because it settled the relocation of people in the affected areas and improved the production and life standard of more than 10,000 people”.
        Mr. Li noted that with rapid economic and social development, demands for electric power were increasing in Laos.
        Additionally, Laos boasts of rich hydroelectric resources that can be tapped and Mr.  Li expressed his hopes that extensive and deep cooperation could be implemented for higher voltage power grid connectivity, which could help Laos change its resource advantage into a driving force of economy.
He said that, “CSG is willing to give full play to its strength in technology, management, capital and talents to resume its responsibility as China’s executive unit in electric power cooperation in Greater Mekong Sub-region. CSG would support the energy exploitation in Laos and make contributions to promoting common prosperity and deepening China-Laos friendship”.
        Mr. Li also held talks with Khammany Inthirath, Minister of Energy and Mines of Laos, and Souphanh Keomixay, Minister of Planning and Investment of Laos.
Both Mr. Inthirath and Mr. Keomixay lauded the beneficial results achieved in the cooperation between CSG and Laos and looked forward to reaching a preliminary agreement on further cooperation.
The Deputy Chief Economist of CSG as well as the Director General of CSG General Office, Director General of the International Cooperation Department, senior representatives of CSG International Co,. Ltd and leaders of Yunan International Co, Ltd. also attended these meetings.