
Nuer Baikeli Addresses 16 + 1 Energy Expo

        BUCHAREST, Romania - Nuer Baikeli, Deputy Director-General of NDRC and Director General of the National Energy Administration of China attended the “16 + 1 Energy Expo” and delivered an opening address and a keynote speech. 
        HE Baikeli noted that the China-CEEC Center for Dialogue and Cooperation on Energy Projects set up under the framework of “16+1 cooperation”, “serves as an effective platform for China-CEEC cooperation. Enterprises from China and CEEC saw wider and deeper cooperation and fruitful results in the fields of power grid, nuclear power, new energy, clean coal power. This Expo was the first flagship event since the Center was established. It played a vital role in deepening pragmatic China-CEEC cooperation in energy”.
        He added that it was stressed in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress that “China would attach more importance to energy conservation, environmental protection, clean production and clean energy industry and boost energy production and consumption revolution for a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. China will be committed to the basic state policy of opening up to promote international cooperation in line with ‘One Belt One Road Initiative’ for a community of common destiny. Adhering to the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, China is willing to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation with the 16 central and eastern European countries, establish the Chinese Secretariat of China-CEEC Center for Dialogue and Cooperation on Energy Projects, launch a joint research on China-CEEC energy cooperation, regularly organize technical exchanges and provide RMB 300 million of investment support. Looking to the future, both sides should take this “16 + 1 Energy Expo” as a pragmatic opportunity, grasp the historic chance of jointly building ‘One Belt One Road’ and deepen ‘16+1 cooperation’”. 
        He said, “we should jointly strengthen mutual understanding and strategic matching and build more sample projects in the development of nuclear power, the connectivity of the power grid, clean coal power, wind power and solar power so as to yield another great results and bring benefits for people of all countries”.
Mr. Shi Zhengjiang, Vice President of CSG attended the Expo on behalf of China Southern Power Grid and visited the CSG Exhibition Hall, accompanying HE Nuer Baikeli, before the meeting started. 
        At the CSG Exhibition Hall, HE Nuer Baikeli listened to an introduction to CSG’s operation and praised CSG for its achievements in “technical innovation, green development and international cooperation”.

        He said that it was his hope that “CSG should regard this event as a good opportunity of actively engaging in pragmatic cooperation in energy”. 
        This expo was an important measure under, “The Riga Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries” published in November 2016 as ministers from central and eastern European countries including Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Albania and Bulgaria attended the event and expressed their welcome and support on deepening pragmatic energy cooperation with China. 
        The three-day meeting attracted more than 250 attendants from governments, enterprises and research institutes of China and central and eastern countries.