
Husab Uranium Project in Namibia


        The Husab project is located in Namibia; it is the largest uranium mine discovered over the past decades. Being the third largest uranium mine in the world, it contains approximately 292.9 thousand tons of U3O8, which is sufficient to support 20 GW-level nuclear power reactors to run for 40 years.
        In May 2012, CGN acquired Husab project; On April 18th, 2013, the construction officially started; On December 31st, 2016, the first barrel of uranium was produced. When it reaches its full capacity, it will produce annual output of 6,500 tons, second largest of the world, contributing a 20% growth of export volume and a 5% growth of GDP for Namibia.
        The Husab project actively fulfills its CSR. The project provides an annual income tax of 1.1 to 1.7 billion NAD to local government, created 7,000 jobs during the construction and will provide 2,000 permanent jobs afterwards; it started Swakop Fund which devoted a lot to promote stable development for local communities, including environmental protection, drought control, education development, orphan care and AIDS prevention, etc.