MORNING,FEB.24,2023 Opening and Plenary
-Welcome and keynote speeches
-ReleaseofAnnual Report on “China's Electrification Development in 2022
Forum 1: Electrification Development in China
ForumI:Development of the Electric Power Substitution Industry in China
Jan292023/cec/-OnFebruary24,2023China Electricity Council(cec) will hold the (2nd) Forum on Electrification Developmentin China in Beijing. In the meantime, the3rd) Forum on Development of theElectricPowersubstitution Industry in China will also be held concurrently.
Themedon"GridConnectingtheLights and Eneray Transforming in Green" the content of the Forum on Electrification Developmentin China will be set according to the nation's "Dual Carbon" goals and the electrification transformation in all relevant sectors in China
Officialsfromgovernmentdepartmentsacademicians, experts in energy, transportation, construction metallurgy andchemicalsectorsscholars from research institutions, colleges and universities will discuss with the delegates latest hottopics such as low-carbon energy transformation, electrification development path ofthe sectors with intensive energy consumption etc.and share the achievements in the scientificinnovations andadvancedtechnologies of various sectors to accelerate the electrification progress in China.
On the occation oftheEventcEC also plans to release the Annual Report on"China's Electrification
Developmentin2022to share the process and development trend of China's electrification in industry construction, transportation, agriculture and rural sectors.